Fee Schedule

Initial Visit for Traditional Acupuncture: $140
Please allow up to 1 - 1&1/2 hours for your initial visit, which includes a complete history, evaluation and treatment.
Follow-up visits: $95
NAET treatment: $95

Radiant Aging Therapies
Microneedling/Nanoneedling: $200
(includes individualized facial serums)
Cosmetic Acupuncture: $200
Body Shaping: Anti-cellulite cupping with biomat infrared therapy: $200

Treatments listed below may be added on to any other therapy (exception: NAET)
Red Light Therapy: $40
Biomat Infrared Therapy: $40
Facial Cupping: $25
Facial Gua Sha: $25
Additional therapies: Cupping, Laser, Stimulation, Moxibustion: $25

Microneedling: 8 - 10 (once a month) treatments recommended. Better for treating wrinkles, age spots, scars, skin tone and acne. Increases facial absorption of serums by 3000%. Results can last 3 - 5 years!
Nanoneedling: 10–12 treatments are recommended. ( can be done weekly.) For more fragile skin. Treats wrinkles, age spots, skin tone and acne. Increases facial absorption of serums by 200%.
Cosmetic Acupuncture: For best results, recommend 12 - 24 treatments, depending on the individual. Better for firming, lifting, tightening, and sagging neck, cheeks, or eyelids. Addresses the whole body to treat aging constitutions.
Your individual plan may incorporate both micro/nanoneedling alternating with cosmetic acupuncture modalities to give you the most benefit and best outcomes. We will create a plan together, based on your goals!